Posts tagged tips for spouses of addicts
Fresh Adventure: Staycation 101

What is a “staycation” and how does it work? 

Okay, well the name is super obvious but it’s having a vacation wherever you are!

I’d like to preempt by saying that my children and I have lived in my parent’s basement, in a 650 square foot apartment, a high-rise, and also a single family home- you can have a staycation anywhere. 

I’m going to assume you have children because the majority of the readers here are married and in their twenties and thirties. If you don’t have children, so much easier.

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Fresh Feeling- Get Your Life Back

Parenting is difficult. There are no bones about it. 

With each child, I have three most of the time, four on occasion, they require something different. One tries my patience with his sass, the other tries it with his constant bouncing off the furniture, the other, well, she’s beautiful but she’s one year old and thinks her crib is a jail cell and has boycotted it’s existence. 

Maybe I should paint it pink?

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Fresh Fashion: Clean Out Your Closet

Welcome to #freshminimalism! 

Why is that hashtag not used already?! It’s beyond me. Thank you, Jesus. It was obviously meant to be. If you missed our introduction post, you can read it here.

When times are tough and money is scarce, this process of “cleaning out the closet” may seem a little bit silly and even vain, but creating an environment where we feel good and are not overwhelmed with “stuff” is so helpful; clutter in the home leads to clutter in the mind.

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Four Boundaries You Need to Make Your Home a Safe Place

The atmosphere of our home is important. In fact, I would encourage any woman reading this to make their home's atmosphere one of their steadfast boundaries and top priorities. The goalpost on personal boundaries can move as we figure out what’s reasonable and what's not or what worked and what didn’t. As far as the home is concerned, it’s best served as a place of refuge. If we have children, this is even more important!

I would bet that if you have a loved one actively addicted to something, you can feel the difference when they’re in the room. I’m sorry to say it, but that’s the enemy at work and entering your home through sin. You wouldn’t knowingly invite the devil in, so why allow him a seat at your table?

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How to Have a Healthy Relationship in Addiction Recovery

Living with a loved one in recovery is an entirely different thing than life in active addiction. Each season needs its own specific course of action and entirely different approach.When our loved ones are in active addiction everything from finances to their whereabouts is in question; "Who are they with? What are they doing? Why are they late? Who are they on the phone with? Why did they take their phone in the bathroom?"

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