boundary course for wives of addicts

Welcome to UnBound Me, so happy you’re here!

Prefer to read? Click here to download the transcript of this video.

👩🏼‍🏫General Instructions:

There are four sections of this course, each one has five videos. We’re going to go through the lessons together as a group, but feel free to study them independently on your own!

The timeline (on the left if you’re on a desktop, on the top if you’re on a mobile) is your navigation from lesson to lesson. You’ll also find links on the bottom directing you to your next lesson.

Each lesson has a transcript for you to read along and most lessons also have worksheets for you to download and complete.

👩🏼‍⚖️The only rule:

Do NOT implement any boundaries until we have finished the entire class! Which means for a couple weeks only, we’re going to let some stuff go.


If you haven't already, consider joining our online community, Habit (the group formally known as PRINCE- kidding. Formally referred to as, “Live, Love Hope” and “Colour Me Happy”!).

Need help? Technical issues? Other questions? Email Leah Grey.

Looking for more resources? Read the latest from the blog.

Leah Grey

Hello, I'm Leah Grey. 

Coffee. Fashion. Jesus. Oh, and addiction. 

Addiction isn't something I thought I would spend my life writing about. I was a hairstylist! A struggling single mother working hard just to get by with my precious blessing from God (my son!).

I had dreams of climbing the fashion world's lustrous career ladder but God had other plans; One tall, dark and handsome man, two moves to New York City and a love story I could never forget.

Now, I spend my days beautifying souls instead of heads. And you know? I'm so much happier than I was before. God blessed my life again (another son and daughter!) and I can say with confidence that today, I am happily married. Addiction and happy are not usually words we put together. But that's God for ya'. He takes our messy and somehow makes us better than we were before.

Beautiful messes. The daughters of a King. He loves you so much! Want to find your happy? Stick around!